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Zaposlenje - Bliski istok

Company brainpower is the leading full-service management consulting company in the Middle East in the Executive Search, training and consultancy fields, since its foundation in 1981.

In Executive Search specifically, the company succeeded in achieving throughout 25 years of intensive business activity, a very impressive and proven track record encompassing over 17000 senior Executives, Managers, Academicans and Quality Professionals who were successfully placed with leading Banking, Helath Care, Academic, Industry, Pharmaceuticals and Telecommunication organizations in the Region.

We have a unique career opportunity with a huge Construction Co.based in Qatar & Saudi Arabia , they need to fill three openings: Senior Procurement Engineer (civil Engineer) 5 to 10 years of experience (Building Construction), Senior Planning Engineer (Civil Engineer)  8-10 years of experience (Building Construction) and Site Technical Office Manager (Civil Engineer) 8-10 years of experience Building Construction with a very good enticing package .

Candidates should send their resumes to the following email address ghada.n@brainpowerconsult.com or fax it : 05/459203 or to contact Mrs. Ghada Nemnom tel: 05/459200/1/2.

СИТС • Савез инжењера и техничара Србије • Кнеза Милоша 7, 11000 Београд, Србија • Телефон: 011/3230-067 • емаил:office@sits.rs