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European Engineers` Forum 

This year`s European Engineers` Forum organized by FEANI in cooperation with the organizer of the Hanover Fair, Deutsche Messe Ag, will highlight a very important topic:

Europe is facing a major deficit in professional engineers:

What measures can be taken to attract young people to Science and Technology?

Forum will take place on April 16, 2007, first day of Hanover Fair from 13:00-14:00.

Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbian as national member of FEANI and its individual members will benefit from FEANI special offer – free of charge participation in the Forum.

For more information please consult FEANI web site section Events/FEANI meetings.

Electronic version of the Forum brochure

SITS • Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia • Kneza Milosa 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia • Phone: +381 11 32 30 067