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13th International scientific forum "Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities"

The Union of Civil Engineers of Serbia, in cooperation with the INSTITUTE IMS, the Ministry of Science Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, organizes the Thirteenth International Scientific and Professional Conference " Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities".


1. Development and application of information and expert systems for facility management (traffic, hydrotechnical, architectural, and purpose‐specific facilities)

  2. Development of methods of observing, inspecting and assessing the condition, maintenance and rehabilitation of engineering facilities (bridges, stadiums, roads, airports, railway and industrial facilities)

  3. Development of methods of observing, inspecting and assessing the condition, maintenance and rehabilitation of hydrotechnical facilities (water supplies, sewage, reservoirs, pumping stations, dams, embankments, piers, sluices, shore abutments)

4. Development of methods of observing, inspecting and assessing the condition, maintenance and rehabilitation of residential, administrative and other buildings and halls

5. Principles of environmental protection in civil engineering

  6. Technical, economical and environmental criteria, regulations for designing, executing and managing facilities

7. Protection of civil engineering structures from fire, floods, earthquakes and other disasters

8. Renewal of engineering heritage in conditions that promote sustainable development

The forum will be held in Vrnjacka Banja Hotel Fontana on Jyne 19-21st 2024.

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Rehabilitation instruction



 Scientific-professional symposium IX YUCORR

Organizers of this scientific professional symposium, which tok place on May 21-24,  were Serbian Society for Materials Protection,Engineers Society of Corrosion, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, and Faculty of Agriculture.

The aim of IX YUCORR was the presentation and discussion of the results directly linked to theoretical and engineering aspects of corrosion and different types of materials by the researchers from Serbia and the other countries, in the fields of industry, thermal power plants, civil engineering and industry finishing, as well as themes considering environmental protection.

V Scientific and professional symposium
Evaluation of the conditions, maintenance and reconstruction of the civil structures and settlements

In the organization of the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, in cooperation with Institute of Transportation from Belgrade and company "Putevi" from Uzice, on Zlatibor, from May 21 till June 1, took place the V scientific and professional symposium: Evaluation of the conditions, maintenance and reconstruction of civil structures and settlements.

At the Symposium were discussed the issues concerning the development and application of the information systems for management of special objects, the development of monitoring methods, methods of examination, evaluation and maintenance of engineering, hidrotechnical constructions, administrative and residential objects.

Application of the Mortgage Law

Serbian Surveyors Union, in cooperation with Republic Geodetic Authority, organized Symposium on Application of the Mortgage Law. The symposium took place on March 29, in Sremski Karlovci.

At the Symposium were discussed the problems related to the real estate cadastre, title system, cadastral books, and mortgage law.

More: http://www.sgs.org.yu/aktivnosti.htm#sabor


Geoinfo 2006

In the organization of Serbian Surveyors Union, from November 23-25, 2006 in Kragujevac took place the symposium Geoinfo 2006.

The mail purpose of the symposium was to get the insight into existing situation and to define the direction in development of the information technology and its practical application in activities where surveyors are engaged in.

More http://www.sgs.org.yu/aktivnosti.htm


Afforestation as mean of the space plan implementation and development of agriculture, forestry and water management

In the organization of the Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia in cooperation with Association of Agricultural Engineers and Surveyors of Serbia, the symposium: Afforestation as mean of the space plan implementation and development of agriculture, forestry and water management, was held at the International agricultural Fair in Novi Sad.

New technologies in the construction industry


In the organization of the Development center of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia and Serbian Chamber of Engineers, in Vrnjacka Banja, took place the symposium: New technologies in the construction industry. Development centre participated in creation of the symposium program and its representatives had the opening presentation at the symposium. Seventeen papers were presented and fifteen leading companies, in this area of work, participated at the following exposition.


SITS • Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia • Kneza Milosa 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia • Phone: +381 11 32 30 067