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Magazine TEHNIKA

TEHNIKA is the leading Serbian scientific and technical magazine covering areas from science and professional topics. It has been published for 79 years in a row by the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia thus creating a unique scientific and technical basis for transfer of scientific, technologic, commercial and business information originating both locally and internationally. According to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic Serbia this magazine has been thought of as a first class magazine in its category.

The magazine offers its space to papers classified under areas, such as:

In addition, there are columns permanently covering a variety of topics, such as overviews of books and magazines, review of scientific and professional gatherings both local and international, technical news information.

All published contributions and papers are subjected to professional review in order to guarantee highest scientific and professional level. Published papers are being referred to in internationally renown magazines, such as: Geotechnical Abstracts, Metals Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, Science Abstracts, Ergonomics Abstracts and reference journals VINITI. They also serve as background source of information for international data base requirements: INSPEC, METADEX (M. I., England), CASEARCH (CA, USA).

Readership in Serbia includes businesses and companies, professional libraries, military readership, faculties, institutes, college level and high schools, social and political entities and organizations, embassies, representation offices, trade and public relations agencies, chambers of commerce, individuals and other.

This 200 page magazine is being published bi-monthly in A-4 format.
Cooperation with the magazine offers you the possibility to present not only the results of your efforts and expertise but also the knowledge and developments in the company you work for in a way that makes it known and available to relevant scientific and professional circles.

Advertising in our magazine For the subscription on our magazine “Tehnika”, or the booking of your advertisement in it we recommend that you get in touch with office@sits.rs
You will find all advert and subscription prices and deadlines on our “advertisement” section. Sizes for the advert are mentioned in millimetres. Please do not forget to add 3mm bleeding on the left, top, right and bottom margins of your advertisement. You cannot put important graphic elements or texts in the bleed because it will be cut after printing; fill the bleed with the background image or colour

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  Editorial policy

Special edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2012
Special edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2013
Special edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2014
Special edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2015  
Special Edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2016 
Special Edition of the Magazine "Tehnika" 2017  


Metallurgical and Materials Data

Metallurgical and Materials Data is a diamond (free of charge) open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scientific research in the field of metallurgy and materials. The journal focuses on publishing peer-reviewed papers that contain significant data and results in the fields of metallurgy and materials engineering, which is essential in today's data-driven era. The journal accepts papers that contain experimental and theoretical scientific and engineering results that can be reproduced based on the presented data.

Our focus is on the dissemination of accurate and reliable data that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in these domains. The journal covers the following key areas:

  • Metals and Alloys: Data on the synthesis, processing, properties, and applications of various metallic materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, superalloys, and advanced metal matrix composites.
  • Materials Processing and Manufacturing: Innovations in materials processing techniques and manufacturing methods, including additive manufacturing, casting, and heat treatment.
  • Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Insights on the synthesis, processing, properties, and applications of nanoscale materials, including nanoparticles, nanocomposites, and nanostructured materials.
  • Ceramics and Glasses: Information on the fabrication, characterization, and applications of traditional and advanced ceramic materials, including glasses, glass-ceramics, and functional ceramics.
  • Polymers and Composites: Reports on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of polymer-based materials, including thermoplastics, thermosetting polymers, elastomers, and polymer matrix composites.
  • Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications: Data on the development, characterization, and applications of biomaterials for tissue engineering, drug delivery, and medical implants.
  • Electronic and Photonic Materials: Information on the design, synthesis, properties, and applications of materials for electronic and photonic devices, including semiconductors, dielectrics, and optical materials.
  • Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion: Reports on the development and characterization of materials for energy applications, including batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, and solar cells.
  • Computational Materials Science: Data-driven research employing computational tools and simulations to predict and understand the behavior and properties of materials.
  • Materials Characterization and Testing: Methodologies and techniques for the accurate and reliable assessment of materials properties, including mechanical, thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties.

Metallurgical and Materials Data journal emphasize the importance of accurate data and rigorous methodologies in all submissions. We invite researchers to share their findings, data sets, and methodologies, fostering collaboration and promoting transparency in the metallurgy and materials science community. Metallurgical and Materials Data journal publishes 4 times a year and focuses on thematic issues. This means that each issue of the journal will be dedicated to a specific topic or theme related to metallurgy and materials science, allowing readers to easily find and access the most relevant information for their research and interests. Metallurgical and Materials Data publishes full-length research papers, preliminary communications, and reviews papers. A special type of paper consists of databases and accompanying software that have been written in accordance with the journal's guidelines. Contributions to the journal are written in English, with abstracts and summaries written in both English and the author's native language. We support linguistic diversity in this way, which should enrich professional literature.

Vision: The Metallurgy and Materials Data journal aspires to be the source of accurate and reliable data in the fields of metallurgy and materials science. Our goal is to foster a collaborative and transparent research community that drives innovation and benefits society through the dissemination of high-quality, accessible, and data-driven knowledge.

The publisher of the journal is the Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia together with the Faculty of Technological Metallurgy, University of Belgrade and Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Mineral Raw Materials



Journal KGH

Scientific and Professional Journal for Air-conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration  is quaterly journal which has been published for 36 years in row by the Union of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia.

Publisher: SMEITS, tel/fax: +381/11/3230-041,





Magazine Materials protection is scientific and professional magazine published by the Engineers Society of Corrosion  and it represents a unique scientific platform for transfer of scientific, technologic, commercial and business information in the field of materials protection.

Original scientific papers, original research papers, professional papers are published in magazine.

Magazine is being published quarterly in A-4 format.

Publisher: Engineers Society for Corrosion;
phone/fax: +381/11/3860-867,
idkjournal@gmail.com, caslav.lacnjevac@gmail.com 



ECOLOGICA is magazine published by the Scientific Professional Society for Environmental Protection of Serbia ECOLOGICA  In accordance with basic orientation of society, in magazine are published the scientific papers, professional papers and review papers concerning the environmental protection (management of natural resources, planning, factors of risque, sustainable development), as well as  the overviews of books and magazines, review of scientific and professional gatherings both local and international, technical news information.

Publisher: ECOLOGICA, tel: +381/11/3244-248


Magazine FORUM

Magazine Forum is revue devoted to the modern production in architecture. Printed in full color, each issue features the highest quality printing and photography. Mostly devoted to architects, Forum has its readers among members of other professions, showing interest for contemporary achievements in the architecture.

Publisher: SAS i DAB, tel/fah: +381/11/3239-754 






Magazine Izgradnja

Magazine Izgradnja has been published for 70 years in row by the Association of Civil Engineers, geotechnical Engineers, Architects and Town Planers "Izgradnja".

More than 700 numbers of magazine are the real chronicle of time, where all important information related to building industry can be found, including information about events and people who have made the greatest contribution in this field.

Magazine Izgradnja, tel/fax +381/11/3243-563
e-mail izgradnja@sezampro.rs




Magazine Textile Industry, published by the Union of Textile Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, is scientific and professional magazine of textile industry. During 65 years of publishing of this magazine, all efforts of Editorial staff were focused on representing to its readers, the latest achievements in textile industry, development of new technologies and modern processes in clothing manufacture.


Publisher: Union of Engineers and Textile Technicians of Serbia

tel: +381 60 715 0305

e-mail:  casopistekstilnaindustrija@gmail.com

Contents 1/2019
Contents 1/2021   Contents 1/2023
Contents 2/2019
Contents 2/2021
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Contents 3/2019
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Contents 4/2023

Contents 1/2020
Contents 1/2022

Contents 1/2024

Contents 2/2020
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Contents 3/2020
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Contents 3/2024

Contents 4/2020
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Building Materials and Constructions is magazine published by the Society for Amterials and Structures testing of Serbia, collective member of the Union of Civil Engineers of Serbia. 

This magazine has been published since 1958 and has international Editorial Board and high scientific reputation. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic Serbia awarded M 24 category to magazine. 

Magazine iz published quaterly, in both Serbian and English language.


Publisher: Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia
tel: +381/11/3242-589  dimk@ptt.rs



Water Research and Management is magazine published Serbian Water Pollution Control Society. Co-publishers of the magazine are International Association of Water Supply Companies in the Danube River Catchment Area – IAWD, Institute for Development of Water Resources „Jaroslav Černi“, Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research „Siniša Stanković“, Belgrade.

Magazine iz published quaterly, in English language.

Publisher: Serbian Water Pollution Control Society
tel: +381/11/3231-630


SITS • Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia • Kneza Milosa 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia • Phone: +381 11 32 30 067